Bond oversight committee
Frank King, Sr.
Vice Chair:
Earl Curtis
When Oregon City voters approved a $158 million bond measure for schools, the school district promised to appoint a bond oversight committee of citizens to track bond projects and spending over the next five years. In January, the district fulfilled that promise by launching the group, which includes 13 community members who volunteered to serve.
The committee includes construction and finance professionals, parents and grandparents, a labor advocate, an ethicist, school advocates and professed skeptics. They will meet with district leaders at least four times each year and advise the superintendent as needed.
““We are excited to have such a broad range of perspectives on the committee,” said Superintendent Larry Didway. “We appreciate these folks stepping up to hold us accountable for wise use of public resources and completing the projects voters approved.””
Committee Members:
Robert Camarillo
Eileen Creelman
Earl Curtis
Dick Dato
Kim Egan
William Gifford
Katrina Gustafson
Frank King, Sr.
Ben Schneider
Echo Seaman
Don Wheeler
Caitlin Woelfel