2024 Bond Focus Group Opportunities
Cafeteria / Dining
This focus group will focus on how to design student dining spaces that are efficient, comfortable, and adaptable for different uses. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• How should the cafeteria be positioned in relation to other school spaces to make it easy for students to get to and from lunch?
• What’s the best way to allow students to move smoothly between indoor and outdoor dining areas and the playground while ensuring proper supervision?
• How can the lunch line be designed so students move through quickly without long waits or crowding?
• What seating options can we provide to give students choice while still making it easy for staff to supervise and clean up?
• What features can help reduce noise and chaos in the cafeteria so it’s a more comfortable space for both students and staff?
• How can dining areas be designed as flexible spaces that can also be used for community events after school hours?
This focus group will explore how to design school libraries to support a variety of student and community needs, both now and in the future. Some of the key questions we may discuss include:
• What types of activities happen in the library, and what kinds of spaces are needed for group work, quiet study, and multimedia projects? How can we accommodate different activities and group sizes effectively?
• How are school libraries used after-hours by the community, and what features can make them a more valuable community resource?
• When thinking about elementary schools, how should libraries be positioned within the school building to maximize accessibility and usability?
• What should the library media center look and feel like to encourage students and staff to use it as a welcoming and engaging space?
• What are the benefits and challenges of combining a library with a makerspace in elementary schools? Is this an effective model?
• How are computers, mobile devices, and AV equipment currently used in school libraries, and how might this change over the next 10+ years?
Pick Up / Drop Off
This focus group will look at ways to make arrival and dismissal smoother, safer, and more welcoming for students, families, and staff. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• How can we make arrival and dismissal a positive experience for everyone, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition?
• What can we do to make drop-off and pick-up easier and safer for students and families?
• How can we create a school environment where all students and families feel welcome and included? What are some ways to encourage families to be more involved in the school community?
• How can school entrances and gathering areas be designed to support social interaction and community connections?
• Can we create designated spaces at drop-off for parents and caregivers who want to take an extra moment to say goodbye?
• What safety and supervision measures should we focus on to ensure a secure and well-organized arrival and dismissal process?
This focus group will focus on how to create fun, safe, and inclusive playgrounds that support all students’ needs. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• How can we make play areas both exciting and safe for all students?
• What natural elements—like trees, logs, or gardens—could help students feel calm and connected to nature?
• How can we design inclusive playgrounds where students of all abilities can play together? What features, like ramps, adaptive swings, or sensory-friendly elements, would help?
• Would students benefit from nature-inspired play areas, such as climbing on logs, sitting on tree stumps, or helping care for a garden?
• How can we make sure playgrounds have space for both group play and quiet, independent play for students who may need a break from socializing? What features would help neurodiverse students feel comfortable while still having opportunities to interact with others?
• How can we design playgrounds so they can be used by families and the community after school hours?
Social Emotional Learning Reset Rooms
This focus group will focus on how to design reset rooms and other supportive spaces that help students with self-regulation while ensuring they are safe, accessible, and welcoming. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• Where should reset rooms be located so they are easy for staff to supervise while still giving students a sense of privacy and comfort?
• What is the ideal size for a reset room? Should it be designed for one student at a time or accommodate small groups?
• How can we design and position these spaces so that using them feels normal and supportive, rather than something that sets students apart?
• What design features can help create a calm, welcoming environment that supports students’ social-emotional well-being?
• How can trauma-informed design be incorporated into elementary school spaces to help students feel safe, respected, and supported?
Special Education SPaces
This focus group will focus on how to design special education (SPED) spaces that support students’ learning, inclusion, and well-being. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• What classroom features would better support students in SPED programs and help teachers create the best learning environment?
• How should SPED learning spaces be sized to meet the needs of students and staff?
• How can special education spaces be integrated into the school in a way that promotes inclusion and belonging rather than separation?
• How can we design accessible restrooms that are convenient, private, and properly equipped for students with special needs?
• What features can help create a calm and welcoming school environment, minimizing stress while offering enough personal space and multi-sensory experiences?
• How can we ensure that students of all abilities can move easily through the school, traveling together between classrooms, hallways, and common areas?
• How can we design playgrounds to be inclusive and barrier-free, making sure all children can play together?
General Education SPaces
This focus group will discuss how to design classrooms and learning spaces that support student learning, engagement, and supervision. Some of the key questions we may explore include:
• How can classrooms be arranged to allow teachers to easily supervise students while also giving students space to work independently when needed?
• What kinds of classroom layouts and resources are needed to support different types of learning, such as whole-class discussions, small group work, hands-on projects, and creative activities?
• How can we design shared learning areas so they are the right size, easy to supervise, and used effectively throughout the school day?
Career and Technical Education Spaces
This focus group will focus on how to design student dining spaces that are welcoming, efficient, and adaptable. Some of the questions we may explore include:
• How should the cafeteria be positioned in relation to other school spaces to make it easy for students to get to and from lunch?
• What’s the best way to allow students to move between indoor and outdoor dining areas and the playground while ensuring they are properly supervised?
• How can we design the lunch line so students move through quickly without long waits or bottlenecks?
• What types of seating options can we provide to give students some choice while still making supervision easy and keeping cleanup manageable?
• How can we design the cafeteria to keep noise levels down and create a comfortable atmosphere for students and staff?
• Can the cafeteria be designed to serve multiple purposes, such as being used for community events after school hours?
Family Resource Centers
This focus group will explore how to create and improve Family Resource Centers to best support students, families, and the school community. Some of the key questions we may discuss include:
• What current and future support services should Family Resource Centers offer to meet the needs of families?
• What are the most effective Family Resource Center models within the district? What features make them successful?
• What types of spaces should be included in a Family Resource Center, such as offices, meeting rooms, storage, or other essential areas?
• How can Family Resource Centers be designed and located within the school to make them easily accessible and welcoming for families, while still ensuring staff can manage and supervise entry?
School Based Design and Planning
Specific to the school. More information coming soon!